Welcome to the ThurtenE: the LARGEST (and oldest) student-run Carnival!

ThurtenE Carnival Entrance

Hey everyone!!

Want to know what students have been planning for months??! It’s something called ThurtenE carnival. The oldest and largest student-run carnival happens on our very own WashU campus!

Bottle Tossing Game to Raise Money!

Bottle Tossing Game to Raise Money!

Student groups, greek life, and performers from WashU’s community all come out to participate and contribute to this traditional event.  This weekend, from April 20th-22nd, ThurtenE (a junior honorary) put together a fantastic carnival.


Roller Coaster Fun for Kids and Parents

What is even more fantastic is that the event is meant for the St. Louis community!  So part of the front of our campus turns (nearly overnight) into a lit up amusement park with food, rides, games, facades, performances, and more!

The Burning Kumquat, selling skewers of their fresh and organic grilled WashU produce

Many student groups and organizations table at the event, as well as the dramatic and entertaining facades that fraternities and sororities create from SCRATCH! Sometimes working around the clock (during “lot week”-a 24/7 week to complete these large infrastructures), students give their constructions their all.  The facades house kid-friendly theatrical acts with awesome story-lines and morals.  More importantly, the money raised for attending or donating to these events support each greek organization’s philanthropies, and ThurtenE donates their proceeds to Guardian Angels Settlement Association.

Performers standing outside of their Camp-themed production and facade

Nothing like raising money, eating funnel cake, and watching performances to make the weekend even more eventful on campus.  Take a look below!

Is the kitchen too big or are the people too small?

Is the kitchen too big or are the people too small?

My henna tattoo, drying
Sigma Iota Rho, an Honor Society for International Studies majors/minors, had an awesome booth for henna with really cool designs to choose from!

Kids having too much fun pie-tossing college students

Kids having too much fun pie-tossing college students

looking out from the Brookings' steps at the ThurtenE Carnival

Are the facades not the most awesome things you’ve ever seen!?  The acts performed by students are just as impressive as the outsides look!!!

Between the games, fried food and cotton candy, rides, community performance groups, and these facades–everyone had something to watch, see, and participate in!

The hard work paid off for everyone, and the fun and amusement was clearly enjoyed by the community as well:)

Stay tuned for more WashU entertainment!

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